Causes Of Lower Back Pain - Waverly

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Causes Of Lower Back Pain

Some people have a type of job that requires heavy weight lifting. If you are going to shift your home, then this will definitely involve the transfer of heavy furniture and other items. In this case, you must strictly follow the proper way of weight lifting. Otherwise, it will cause severe lower back pain. I have never forgotten the lower back pain that caused due to lifting heavy cupboard from the 1st floor to the ground floor. It has been around 4 years since then but still, I feel it when I again lift some heavy items. So, you should take proper care otherwise it may live up with you for entire life.
Often people get injured due to bending their back and then lifting the heavyweight. This is the most common cause of lower back pain. But, do not be so rigid, there are other causes as well.

Kidney Infection

If you are strictly following weight lifting guides and still you are experiencing sudden pain in your lower back, it could be due to a kidney infection. The main problem, in this case, you will not feel any pain until the kidney infection reaches a seriously dangerous level. So, immediate treatment must be done to save your life.

Muscle Injuries

Another common reason for lower back pain is pulled and injured a muscle. Sometimes, the muscular pain is so hard that you have to consult doctors and they suggest injections for immediate relief. Proper physiotherapist suggested stretching exercises helps a lot in this scenario.

Misaligned Spine

The right alignment of the spine plays an important role in the overall health of the body. It is like a car wheel that must be in balance to be derived smoothly. A misaligned spine could lead to pinched nerves which are the main cause of lower back pain and disrupted blood flow in the body. The good news is that misaligned spine can be balanced easily and chiropractor does within one visit if the misalignment is a mirror. However, if the misalignment is severe, then the chiropractor will invite you so many times until your spine comes in balance.


Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes stiffness and pain in the joints of bones. It is also known for its other name degenerative joint disease, degenerative arthritis or Osteoarthrosis. According to a survey, it is affecting the twenty million people all over the United States of America. Osteoarthritis in the lower back spine causes a lot of pain and sometimes, the patient finds him unable to move even a step.


This the main cause of lower back pain in women especially in older women. It happens due to the lack of female hormones which leads to demineralization of the bones. As a result, bones become weaker day by day. Women suffering from Osteoporosis may have strong chances of injuries and fractures. It is a silent disease and you will come into know when you break a bone. A bone mineral density laboratory test is mandatory to diagnose this disease. You can cure yourself of this disease by eating foods that contain calcium and vitamin D.
